Faster, fairer, more accurate pre-hire assessment

Our online assessments empower employers to identify talent without bias - in 3 to 5 minutes



Conventional online assessments are time consuming, often inaccurate, biased, and easy to cheat using tools like ChatGPT.

We decided to change that.

By combining neuroscience with advances in psychometric testing, we create online assessments that accurately identify talent without bias – in 3 to 5 minutes.

Our customers confirm that when it comes to online assessment, nothing is faster, fairer, or more accurate.

A true measure of

talent and potential

- in 3 to 5 minutes

Conventional online assessments only score the answers provided. We use advances in neuroscience to go much deeper.

Uniquely, we also analyse how people arrive at their decisions – in real-time.

This opens a new insight layer, revealing how people think and feel about their decisions.

This insight dramatically increases the accuracy of the assessment, allowing us to reduce the length – to under 5 minutes.


customer impact

Our customers, including Grant Thornton, Sellafield Ltd, Virgin Media o2 and the NHS, have seen incredible results:

  • ✅ 3 to 5 minute completion time
  • ✅ >99% candidate completion rate
  • ✅ No adverse impact (bias) aligned with ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, or disability
  • ✅ High accuracy insights, enabled by validity 3-6x higher than other assessments
  • ✅ Meaningful insight reports supporting hiring and onboarding


diversity and


Everyone is unique - their scoring algorithms should be too.

Most online assessments apply ‘one size fits all’ scoring algorithms identically to each candidate – harming diversity and neurodiversity.

We’ve created a better way.

Our neuroscience-powered algorithms respond dynamically to individual differences, eliminating bias and empowering fair hiring outcomes.

100% ChatGPT

proof assessment

The integrity of your hiring process is at risk like never before.

Over 50% of candidates admit to using AI tools like ChatGPT to complete application forms and online assessments.

We fight AI with advances in neuroscience.

Our online assessments can't be fooled by AI tools like ChatGPT, meaning you can trust the insights - helping you identify genuine talent and potential.

An exceptional

candidate experience

Conventional online assessments are lengthy – and 20-30% of candidates drop out, harming your talent pipeline.

Our engaging, bespoke assessments are fully aligned to your brand – instilling a lasting, positive impression.

With a 3 to 5 minute completion time, it's no wonder we achieve an outstanding 99% completion rate – ensuring you retain top talent in your pipeline.
Contact us
Neurosight Ltd
76 Innovation Centre
University Road
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Faster, fairer, more
accurate assessment